
The banner this month comes from a joke I shared with my sister. She was in the hospital for a bit recently and was basically in a lot of pain. I suggested that she write "fix this" on her stomach since that was what was causing the pain and the doctors didn't seem to be working it out very fast. She said she would write "heal me" on her forehead. I don't think she really did it, but I figured it was a good enough idea that someone should follow through. I don't know who this guy is but if he ever goes to a hospital the doctors will know right away what they need to do. ...The drawing in this banner reminds me of either Rick Geary or Tony Millionaire. Apologies to both of them, then.

Mostly, in this episode, I like "we all scream for ice cream" joke. (Yes, the small butt looking thing Pinkey is holding in the third panel is, indeed, supposed to be an ice cream cone.)

The infamous Scott Teplin once pointed out that cars are hard to draw. At the time I kind of scoffed and thought "Ha! No they aren't!!" But, of course, the Teplin was right. Cars are hard to draw. In this episode, ladies and gentlemen, I present the Range Rover sedan! ...What a mess.


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