
Dylan's notes:

This episode was written by Chris Shieh. I had a hell of a time resisting an urge to write "Hello and welcome to the Shieh" while I was doing the lettering. Chris' script is dead on, I think — he really nailed the Pinkey Suthers "feel." While that could be a compliment, it's probably not a very positive indicator on the state of Chris' mind. I hope he recovers. It's also true that Chris wrote a hell of a lot more stuff than I could really fit into the espisode. ...Or, at least, it felt that way. Almost everything seems to be there and there is even a bit of dead space in the first panel on the third row. Maybe I'm just lazy. (I'm probably just lazy.)

Chris' notes:

Yesterday, after seeing Dylan's inks, I ate dinner at Grand Sichuan International in Chelsea, New York City. My fortune cookie said, "The secret to success is getting started." So the point is, instead of reading this cartoon, you should have eaten crab soup dumplings, and you would have gotten the same amount of insight.


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