
Haha! This strip actually comes from a suggestion I once heard on how to take your revenge against someone who you don't like. (I suppose you could take your revenge against someone you like, but that doesn't seem very nice. If you behave that way, go get therapy, okay?) This revenge plan hinges on the notion that there are services that dispose of road kill. I don't know if this is either true or in any way logical, but I like the idea enough to ignore those problems. So. What you do is place an ad in a local newspaper (I guess you'd have to do this kind of anonymously or something) saying that such and such road kill disposal service accept road kill delivered their office, with a note to the effect that people should feel free to leave it on the porch if there doesn't seem to be anyone around. Then, of course, you give your victim's address.

Okay, that was a riot. Anyway, be wary of what you read in ads.


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